Kun-Lai Summit
Name Level Type Location
Alpine Foxling 23-25 Beast Secondary Combatants or Found along Mountain slopes
Alpine Foxling Kit 23-25 Beast Secondary Combatants or Found in groups of 3-4 with the Alpine Foxling
Plains Monitor 23-25 Beast Found in groups of 3-4
Summit Kid 23-25 Beast Found along Mountain slopes
Zooey Snake 23-25 Beast Everywhere
Prairie Mouse 23-25 Critter Everywhere
Tolai Hare 23-25 Critter Everywhere
Tolai Hare Pup 23-25 Critter Found in groups of 3-4 with the Tolai Hare
Szechuan Chicken 23-25 Flying Chow Farmstead
Effervescent Glowfly 23-25 Flying Entrance to Vale of Eternal Blossoms
Kun-Lai Runt 23-25 Humanoid Winter's Blossom path